Sunday, November 9, 2008

Historic Week!

I shed many tears Tuesday night watching the United States elect it's first Afro-American president. I can not remember any time in my life I felt so passionate and proud of who we elected. I am always hyper sensitive to how the world looks at us and how our leaders reflect my sentiments. I find it unbelievable that other countries sometimes have a better sense of who is the right choice then we do for ourselves. In any case, Obama is a polished speaker, incredibly smart and his values reflect how I would want a foreigner to view us. Will he be a good president? Time will tell, but for sure he will put face on our postage stamp that says we can play in the sandbox with others (and don't under estimate public relations marketing).

I am surprised that some people I know didn't feel the same way I did. I understand voting for another candidate, but this is so much more. I know that if a republican minority candidate (a Powell like person) or a smart poised woman won, I would feel so proud of my country. I suppose most of the people I have come in contact with that felt distrusting or had misgivings about Obama would be the same people that were anti The Beatles and rock n' roll revolution. They look at the cover and rarely read the book!

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