Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fan Appreciation Day?

My son and I went to the last Met game of the season on Sunday October 4th (not exactly what I was thinking when I hoped the Mets would be playing in October). We drove up to the main parking lot and they were allowing ordinary fans to enter (usually reserved for VIPs). As we approached the attendant I asked if parking was free today, being the Mets stunk, it was the last day of the season and it would have been a great PR move. She looked at me and said, "are you kidding, wow that would be a good idea." I wished her a nice winter as I handed her my $18.

We got inside around 12:30 and the place was empty (shocker) and all the concession stands were closed. One of them had the gate cracked open about 8 inches so I leaned my head in and asked when they were opening (so we could over pay for some food). The woman yelled into the back room and asked when do we open? She told me 6:30. 6:30? It's 12:30 now, you don't open until tonight I asked. She insisted 6:30. She looked puzzled for a few minutes and then realized what she was saying. Oh, it's a day game - we open in 15 minutes. Unreal - WTF, why would she be there at 12:30 for a night game (and it was the last game of the season). BTW - they opened 30 minutes later. Think I got a free bag of peanuts?

It was a beautiful fall day and the Mets actually won the game. No banner day, no give away - no FREE parking. The Mets understand good business about as well as the concession stand worker understands what time the game starts. How Bout Those Mets!

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